How To Maximize ROI From Your Existing Blog Content

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min read

You’ve invested in a great content strategy to boost your traffic and ultimately increase your leads and conversions. Naturally, you want to get the most out of your efforts. However, after gaining initial traction, the content often becomes dormant, failing to generate continued traction and drive conversions.

At Eleven, we’ve helped our clients create high-converting content and boost their sales revenue.

In this article, we’ll look at how to amplify content success to maximize ROI. First, we’ll help you identify what blog content to focus on. Then, we’ll show you how to boost organic traffic to already high-converting content and how to increase conversions on posts that already generate traffic well. 

The two main types of content to focus on

There are two main types of content you want to focus on to maximize your ROI:

  • High organic traffic content. This is content that generates lots of page views or organic traffic.

    Our goal will be: to increase the effectiveness of these pages to convert your audience.
  • High-converting content. This is content that successfully converts readers (convinces them to buy a product or sign up for something).

    Our goal will be: to bring more traffic to these pages.

By focusing on these two types of content, we can be sure our efforts will have a good impact.

To identify which pages to focus on, we’ll use our trusty tool, Google Analytics (GA). So, if you haven’t already set up Google Analytics, you’ll need to do so before we continue.

Here’s a guide on how to set up and measure your goals in Google Analytics. This is crucial to gathering the information you need to identify the pieces of content that can maximize your ROI.

You’ll find instructions on identifying focus pages at the start of each section below. Then, we’ll talk through the different ways to optimize pages that generate lots of traffic but few conversions or that convert well and deserve more attention from readers. 

Type 1: Increase ROI from high-converting content

Now that you’ve identified which content is generating high conversions, let’s look at how to get even more traffic to these pages. The best way to do this is to repurpose this content through new channels and ensure it’s regularly updated.

Identify high-converting content

As for which of your pages convert best, there are two ways to approach this.

  1. If you’ve already set up conversion goals in Google Analytics, you can use this data directly.
  2. Alternatively, you can use our comprehensive guide to marketing ROI to identify pages that convert well and bring in the greatest revenue. It includes formulas and step-by-step instructions on how to calculate everything you need. 

Repurpose content by sharing it through new channels

Repurposing content is a proven tactic to broaden your content’s reach, breathe new life into existing pieces, and engage new audiences. Let’s examine why it works and how to apply best practice principles to maximize your conversions.

Why it works

Finding ways to reuse your content extends your reach, improves accessibility, enhances visibility, and makes the most of already-created content — saving you time and money. It also prolongs the initial “buzz” of your published content.

All of this has the potential to maximize your ROI by appealing to different audience segments and their preferences, behaviors, and interests. Some people prefer consuming written content, while others respond better to audio or visual content.

Similarly, you can adapt your existing content to different channels, such as LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Instagram, etc.

Understanding these nuances ensures your content hits the right notes wherever it's shared.

How to easily repurpose high-converting content to generate more traffic

Below are a few simple strategies to repurpose your already high-converting content to generate more traffic.

  • Social media: Platforms like X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are great places to publish bite-sized snippets of blog content. Make sure to tailor your posts to the audience. For example, business-focused extracts from a longer article perform well on LinkedIn, while short, shareable sentences are best for X.
  • Podcasts & videos: Use tools like Recast to convert blog content into captivating audio formats. Or, convert blogs into videos using Lumen5 or InVideo for those who prefer visual content. This is an excellent way to make content available in multiple formats, appeal to different audiences, and maximize your investment.
  • Newsletter & e-books: Platforms such as MailerLite or Designrr can transform blogs into engaging newsletters or long-form e-books.
  • Guest posts & infographics: Use tools like Visme or Piktochart to diversify content presentation. Consider guest posting to reach a broader audience, too.
  • Quora & Reddit: Engage manually by answering related questions and linking back to your blog for further information. Both Reddit and Quora are great for building strong authority and trust while engaging with your community.

Repurposing ideas

  • “How to” guide → convert to a video tutorial or screencast
  • Interview article → make it into a podcast episode, create quote graphics to share on social media
  • Round-up article → make an interactive quiz
  • Educational piece → create a downloadable quiz sheet
  • Thought leadership/opinion article → share snippets on social media and Reddit Include a poll to generate engagement and feedback
  • Case study → make it a downloadable PDF
  • Product review → create a YouTube video
  • Series of articles → convert it to an ebook

Best practices to repurpose content

Here are some useful tips to get the most out of your content:

  • Audience adaptation: Recognize the diversity across platforms and tailor content accordingly. Make sure you understand the different segments within your target audience based on demographics, interests, preferences, and behavior. By knowing their needs, pain points, and preferred content formats, you can repurpose your content for maximum effect.  
  • AI tools: Simplify the process of repurposing content using AI tools. Tools like Lately, MeetEdgar, and Recontent can transform blog content into engaging social media posts with minimum effort. 
  • Preparation is key: Note down concise, impactful, and memorable phrases or sentences that capture the fundamental ideas of your content. Develop these succinct "sound bites" during the content creation phase. These snippets can later fuel engaging posts across various channels. 

Type 2: Increase ROI from high-organic traffic content

Now, we’ll explore how to amplify ROI from existing blog content with high traffic but untapped conversion potential.

The fact is, high-traffic content may bring more eyes to your page, but this won’t necessarily translate to higher sales revenue. Again, use Google Analytics and our ROI calculating guide to determine which pages will benefit from optimization to increase conversions. Look out for pages that are generating the most organic traffic to your site but underperforming with clicks, newsletter sign-ups, etc. 

Identify high organic traffic content

With GA all set up, identifying which of your pages brings in the most organic traffic is easy.

  1. Access your property in GA4, go to “Reports,” and click on “Landing Page” in the left-hand menu.
  2. To see organic traffic from search engines, you can add a filter: click “Add filter” above the graph. For “Dimension,” select “Session Source/medium,” then “Contains” for the Match Type, and type “organic.” You can also select “Exact Match” as the Match Type and select one or more search engines, like Google or Bing.

Optimize content to increase conversions

Let’s break it down into three steps, with helpful tips on optimizing your content at each stage:

1. Analyze user behavior data to identify pages with substantial traffic but lower conversion rates. Again, our handy guide will help you identify these pages.

2. Optimize these pages by integrating clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) that resonate with the audience, identifying and fixing broken links, and updating statistics, data, and other resources to reflect recent changes.

Consider offering reports, case studies, or other valuable resources in exchange for email sign-ups.

Or, use CTAs to direct traffic to well-optimized landing pages designed to convert or purchase pages.

Quick tips to optimize existing content:

  • Use social proof and testimonials to highlight authority and expertise while building trust and credibility
  • Offer downloadable guides, templates, or case studies against email sign-ups to encourage engagement and drive conversions.
  • Simplify and streamline conversion processes by minimizing form fields and friction points 
  • Leverage remarketing strategies to re-engage visitors who previously interacted with the content but didn’t convert. For example, offer a discount incentive if someone has abandoned their cart, or request feedback to improve your service

3. Implement A/B testing to refine CTAs, headlines, and layout elements for maximum impact. By continuously tracking and analyzing data, you can refine strategies, ensure ongoing improvement, and increase conversions from your high-traffic blog content.

Why it works

By prioritizing user experience, relevance, and value, these tools and tips lead to increased engagement and conversions over time. A data-driven strategy also means you can easily track and manage your conversions from high-organic traffic blog content. 

Best practices to increase conversions for high-traffic pages

Use these practical tips to increase conversions:

  • Check your CTAs. Make sure they’re logically placed, action-oriented, and visually appealing. Also, ensure they offer a convincing argument and that the offer matches the content.
  • Use tools like CrazyEgg and HotJar to keep track of your analytics, like scroll depth (make sure most people are actually seeing your CTA), where people click (is there a missing button/link?), and more. 
  • If Google Analytics shows a high bounce rate or low engagement, use our tips above to address these. 
  • Ensure your sources, data, and references are recent and relevant. Statista is a great place to find data insights and statistical reports. Check that your resource links still work and replace them if more recent (and more complete) references are available. We recommend linking to sources no more than two years old. 
  • Double-check that the information or guidance in the article is still relevant. For example, have there been recent updates to software, practices, or knowledge that affect your content? 
  • Keep sign-up fields super short (three fields max). 
  • Optimize Top of Funnel (TOFU) pages where conversion is more difficult. Keep readers moving through the funnel with internal links.
  • Promote to audiences that are likely to convert. For example, if you have a blog page on the best pharmaceutical platforms, share it on pharmaceutical forums and LinkedIn pages. In this case, if you know the page has 5% conversion but does well with pharma CMOs, share it with as many pharma CMOs as you can in a place where they’re likely to see it.
  • Don’t forget personalization and segmentation. Tailor your offers based on visitor behavior, preferences, or demographics. Use segmentation to deliver more personalized content and offers, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Implement exit-intent pop-ups or offers that appear when a visitor is about to leave the page. These are great last-minute incentives to encourage conversions.


Getting the most out of your content investment means repurposing and optimizing the content you already have. Create social media and LinkedIn posts from articles, or use handy AI tools to generate podcasts and videos to share the same information in a different way. You can also use guest posts and targeted sharing to reach new audiences. By implementing these techniques, you’ll be able to generate more traffic to high-converting pages.

Additionally, optimize your high-traffic pages with compelling CTAs and up-to-date information and resources, fix broken links, and personalize your marketing approach to drive conversions.

Regular updates, effective repurposing, and targeted promotion are essential to maximizing your content marketing ROI. Using these strategies, you can amplify the impact of your existing blog content and drive long-term revenue growth.

Keep an eye out for our upcoming guide on how to fix highly underperforming content. 

Need a hand with boosting your ROI? Eleven has helped our clients get the best return on their investment. Get in touch to learn how we can do the same for you.

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